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Karen L. Pedersen, Chief Knowledge Officer of the Online Learning Consortium has recently posted concerning CBE. (see other post today).

In case we’re not sure what a CKO is, here’s the wikipedia definition. Seems like the CKO should also be responsible for overseeing learning in an organization? Also seems like this is a provocatively vague position description; makes one want to imagine all sorts of duties in our new world of cloud tools, Big Data, curation, and online learning.

A chief knowledge officer (CKO) is an organizational leader, responsible for ensuring that the organization maximizes the value it achieves through “knowledge”. The CKO is responsible for managing intellectual capital and the custodian of Knowledge Management practices in an organization.


Dr. Karen Pedersen was recently selected as the Chief Knowledge Officer for the Online Learning Consortium. In this role, she has responsibility to gather, curate and leverage the intellectual capital created by and disseminated through the organization to create and enhance services and resources provided to constituents.


Defining things amid change is a challenge, and often the worst conundrums take place in institutions which all have a lot of rules for what can and can’t be done according to various definitions. Ms Pedersen notes a circumstance where certain ways of doing CBE online might fall outside of official definitions and lose federal and other support.