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One can assume there will be a lot more of this real time sensing of our body, including the brain, and that there will applications we are unable to imagine today that could arrive in the near and midterm.

Wikipedia on “Brain – Computer Interface”. This article has 129 citations, and is also part of a larger field called Neuropsychology. Like it or not, those trying to upgrade learning applications will need somehow to be aware of at least the general drift and map of this challenging field.

Learning is of course a big pre-occupation of the brain, awake and asleep…and we are only conscious of some aspects of that process.

How many additional unconscious learning processes can be enhanced by something like the music learning app, but with perhaps a much better  control of variables involved?

Presently there’s a big time correlation between where students physically live, and their learning achievements. Which generally is attributed to “there’s more learning going on at home”, plus “there’s more learning assets available”.

We still are broadly ignorant of how nature responds to nurture, but we know it’s a huge factor in individual learning achievement…all the talk about early education being so important is coming from an awareness that something foundational and determinative is going on in those years.

If one networks learning applications that can actually access unconscious nurture processes….there’d likely be a huge upside available.
And yes, popping the top off our brains (pop top ports) is going to release a lot of weird stuff…into the human biome and genome.

It’s not only the little tiny mobile device networked to a seemingly unlimited amount of data, algorithms, and processing power, but it’s also the amazing “brain mods” that become possible.

If we think AI is weird and going to get a lot weirder, could be our own brains are weird and going to get a lot weirder too.