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It’s here, and we are apparently going to have a lot of adjustments to make, and insights to arrive at, before we are “up to speed on VR”. Here’s two current articles, one in The Verge, and one from LCSN talking about Googles VR project Tango, and VR theaters coming to El Paso.

That a mall would have VR “theaters”…seems obvious now, after the fact.  Having a “place to go” to use up to date technology in a space designed for it makes sense. Maybe kind of like we have “home theater” at home and still watch movies in theaters.

VR seems to fit into  several of the 7 core elements, chiefly understanding media, and embedded resources and tools. Probably capturing the imagination too, and maybe science of learning. Truth be told we won’t know all that can and will be done with VR for some time to come.

[gview file=”’s-secret-VR-weapon-is-Project-Tango-The-Verge.pdf”] [gview file=””]