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There’s a new non profit supporting film industry in Las Cruces called “Film Las Cruces”. And it’s got a new website here.

Perhaps confusing to be named “Film”, as “the industry” is quickly transitioning from using Film, to all digital productions which don’t in fact use any celluloid and analog “film” at all. We used to make a distinction between film and video, but that distinction is getting close to meaningless, as digital replaces analog.

Current smart phones costing less than $500 can shoot in 4K…which is comparable to, or better than, film resolution currently, and captured at about twice the frame rate as film.

Perhaps equally important is what is used to “see” or “watch” what is “shot”.

4K TVs are entering the mass market, and digital projection in theaters is upgrading from 2K to 4K. Digital media will continue to improve all aspects of the image we view, as it’s primarily about two things: image capture using microchips, and digital file manipulation. Both of those seem to be subject to Moore’s law.

There was a time not too long ago when a big distinction was made between film production for Albuquerque and video production in Las Cruces. It was an important consideration for state and local policy makers that each be done in the proper part of the state. Now that seems a very short sighted distinction…