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Dr. Alozie knows an enormous amount about Digital Health today, as no doubt you will agree after viewing his prezi on that topic linked below. Kudos to Oge for sharing here.

There’s so many overlaps between changes, opportunities, innovations and disruptions in the healthcare world with those ongoing in the learning and education world. We appreciate the difficulty of trying to organize, explain, list, summarize and curate all that is ongoing in this digital revolution.

PSA has our 7 Core Elements of Defined Learning Experiences. No doubt as time goes by Oge will be continuing to refine his vision of digital health in all its myriad aspects.

Here’s where he’s at today, in three parts. The first covers perspectives on professional and  health care institutional processes, the second talks more about individuals in a digital health care environment, and the third features a short film about digital health.


Part Two:


Part Three, which has about half of part two overlap at the beginning…and then please reduce volume before the film starts…or likely regret not doing so.  =^)