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Quora, the online forum website that works a little like Reddit, and a little like various other social media…recently has a thread on the above subject, and featured a post from Eva Moskowitz, Founder and CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools. More of that Quora thread here.


For more on Eva and her Charter Schools, see links here and here. Ms Moskowitz is very controversial in NY City where her schools are embroiled in many political skirmishes between charter school advocates and opponents of same. Such as with the current Mayor Bill de Blasio. The NYTimes has quite a few critical articles about Eva here.

Perhaps the political battles also have something to do with Ms Moskowitz actually having been a politician or at least elected to the NY City Council. And she runs the “Great Public Schools PAC”. She has also been quoted as saying the fight over charter schools is because of “the union-political-educational complex”.

Yet conservatives describe her as a liberal. Just to indicate how complex the politics of educational reform can be.

Others are big fans of Success Schools and their approach. Here’s a video by Robin Hood Foundation, which serves as a promotion for Success Schools.