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This conference has remained one of the more “important”, combining Arizona State’s leading online learning innovation with GSV, an investment company that focuses on ed tech, new media and similar. Needless to say there’s an emphasis on the enterprise size “business” side of Ed Tech innovation.

But as our good colleague Gary has pointed out many times, the big educational institutions and school boards across the US are in a “Big Business” (enterprise size) relationship with vendors of platforms and products for Ed Tech, so it’s already a partnership between for profit ed tech, and non profit government educational entities.

Why not have a conference where that relationship is front and center to go along with all the other sorts of ed tech innovation conferences which we appreciate, and there are many many quality conferences to choose from. Still remains a reasonable question as to whether one really needs to be there f2f, or can spread one’s time and resources a bit broader by choosing to visit via streaming the archived videos.

Here’s archived live stream video links from the just concluded 2016 conference in San Diego.

Here’s links from the 2015 conference.