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School money is one of the biggest components of local and state budgets, as well as one of the biggest engines of our economy nationwide. And we should probably include federal “school money” which comes in many different forms.. From pre school through grad school, it costs a huge amount to pay for all that the US educational system is trying to do. This is not news.

But it’s news when the potential for disruption of this part of our economy exists. PSA is convinced that mobile and cloud ed tech tools can both increase learning and reduce costs.  However, it’s a matter of getting there from where we are today, and that’s problematic.

NPR has done a series on “School Money” recently, to help us understand the current realities. There have been ongoing studies on the relationship between school resources and student achievement for decades, but apparently this is still news because the variance in school resources across states and cities and regions, and for “types of schools”, continues. (see maps and graphics at the site below)

Disruption through innovation is part of the way forward, as is “public awareness” and “dynamic leadership”. It could happen here, IF….?

This webpage collects a number of NPR articles and audio covering these issues.