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MIT Media Lab, which seems to still be innovating in exciting ways, now presents something they call “Duoskin”… latest and greatest tech that also looks cool…sign me and all the millennials up! It appears in the video to actually “do something”,,, while I’m sure there’s considerably more development to come, for similar interfaces.  But wearable tech development is well underway.

Here Mashable list 50 articles from this year and last, on wearable tech, including thin skin interfaces such as Duoskin.

In some scifi movies wearables are under the skin, and only glow visible when we touch it, kind of like the car lock combo keys on some cars. Could be good as we’ve got a lot of skin surface to work with… we could supplement our current emotive capabilities, with screens embedded in our foreheads, that, what, glowed in colors, or showed images, or video clips?

Or even allowed someone else to “hit a key or button on our forehead” to input some response…or interacted using WiFi with their forehead emoters”



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