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Previous post noted a joint NMC and EDUCAUSE report, but there’s so much more to NMC, it deserves additional links. It’s huge and worldwide in programs and affiliates. UNM and UTEP are listed as affiliates, as are Harvard, Stanford, and Northwestern etc, while NMSU is not on the current list. Maybe we should see if we can change that?

PSA does include “Understanding Media” as one of the 7 core elements. Are we one of those visionary labs shaping the future of learning,  noted below? If small is beautiful, and tiny is gorgeous, then perhaps…but in any event PSA is very focused on many of the issues that NMC is working with.

The NMC (historically the New Media Consortium) is an international community of experts in educational technology — from the practitioners who work with new technologies on campuses every day; to the visionaries who are shaping the future of learning at think tanks, labs, and research centers; to its staff and board of directors; to the advisory boards and others helping the NMC conduct cutting edge research.


The role of the NMC is to help our hundreds of member universities, colleges, museums, and organizations drive innovation across their campuses. We do that by performing research that catalyzes discussion, by convening people around new ideas, and by building communities that encourage exploration and experimentation.


The events we host reflect the wide range of activities taking place in the NMC Community. The NMC has a growing and influential role on the global stage, working with leading organizations around the world to move current education models to forms that are more engaging, effective, and inclusive.