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This was recommended by Julia Parra during her recent interview in the PSA studio. This is the second edition.  This is an edited collection of articles by various authors. Check out the Table of Contents for this 484 page PDF.

There is a Kindle version….remember how eBooks were going to be so much cheaper because there’s no printing and distribution costs? Uhhh… this costs 30.64 and I have little idea of the profit margin involved and who gets the profits… It’s sold by Amazon Digital Services.

(That’s a hefty cost for students… there’s some ongoing controversy over prices for text books, and for ebooks in general. Seems like the smoke in this instance does indicate fire. 30.64…. but I think I’m going to buy it anyway to read on my Kindle Paperwhite. )

Every chapter in the widely distributed first edition has been updated, and four new chapters on current issues such as connectivism and social software innovations have been added.


Essays by practitioners and scholars active in the complex, diverse, and rapidly evolving field of distance education blend scholarship and research; practical attention to the details of teaching and learning; and mindful attention to the economics of the business of education.


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