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One axiom for future learning theory, and means, is that it’s all part of one thing.

IOW, previous silos of education are breaking down, and learning is becoming something mixed in with all other aspects of what makes up our world today. A smart phone can be physically accessed in most locations around the world, and more all the time.

But it’s also a device that presents tools for learning in the same context as it presents entertainment, and the same context where social and economic relationships occur.

A social learning construct manifests at least to some degree the culture of those involved in it. And the culture is…well, what is the “culture” and how is it created and determined today?

Clearly Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Pinterest, and tons of dating apps, are a big part of “culture today”. How does that all “work”? Let’s admit we don’t know, and that maybe no one knows. But here’s a group that makes its business about trying to know how that all works to the point of being able to predict trends before they happen.

One might not take “Sparks & Honey” totally seriously, but that would probably be a mistake. Because theres’ a lot of curation going on in cultural memes, and somehow what’s fashionable gets determined, and what’s fashionable affects attitudes about learning, for example. If nerds became fashionable, what effect would that have on learning in the US?

In the slides below, there’s an undifferentiated mix of a long list of pieces of the puzzle for 2017. Which are the most “meaningful pieces”, can anyone know that?