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Artificial Intelligence, “AI”, is one of the biggest parts of the future of online learning. Real time evaluation of learners, coupled with real time content selection and distribution, will play a big part in the most involving and efficient forms of online learning.

Admin Note: Check the date this was originally posted. PSA was on it back in Nov. 2016 with the announcement of Microsoft teaming up with Elon Musk for AI “project”. That’s 7 years ago now, but some of this post’s expressed concerns turned out to be somewhat prescient, and still apropos today. Microsoft is still teaming up with OpenAI, but Altman is in and Musk is out.

That depends on AI, and the AI depends on huge amounts of data being analyzed in real time, and that depends on constructing the best AI “machines” or “machine learning”.

One AI “OpenAI” consortium intends to support quality AI that not only does what it’s intended to do, but also avoids some of the pitfalls of humans not really understanding what the AI is “doing”. The hope is that through planning and foresight AI can be made as transparent to human intentions as possible, and that we might avoid the potential for “machines” learning how to “take over” control from the humans.
