Perhaps nitpicking, but we tend to notice that many who are “up to date” on edTech, haven’t necessarily updated their presentation technology. Mr. Masie has elsewhere described some of the new and improved mics and cameras he’s using for Vimeo/ YouTube videos like this one, and we at PSA actually have one of the mics he recommends.
Yet one notes in the video above, he’s still got the glaring windows behind him…especially on the right side as we view him. That’s kind of fundamental…don’t have glaring bright backlit situations if at all possible. The contrast of his orange shirt with the bright blue chair is interesting, complimentary colors “vibrate”, and probably a good visual attraction around this talking head, so there’s that.
One might recommend he shoot in front of a green screen, and the background could be all black, for example, and he’d really stand out. He’s using Vimeo, whose video codec is superior to YouTube, albeit harder for users to find just by surfing around.
Mr. Masie also has the attraction of his content being worthy, as he’s very experienced in this field, and extremely well informed through his ongoing conferences which are attended by multitudes of presenters and “consumers”.
this is kind of “must viewing” imo…
and PSA desires to post more of these “old hand” views of where things are at, and going, now…if we can find them…they are out there somewhere online no doubt.