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Elliot Masse on Learning Today:

* Learning is Amazing! What an amazing time for learning that we are experiencing now.  We can touch a glass screen and search the world for answers to our right now curiosity.  We have millions of videos to watch – on every topic – in every language.  And, our organizations have recognized that employees are driving more and more of their own learning processes.

* Learning is Personal!  How we learn at home will influence how we learn at work.  Our sense of opportunity and openness to new and changing formats of media are expanded at home and can be harvested with innovation at work. 

* Learning is Connective!  As we learn – we connect with live people and asynchronous people.  As we learn – we naturally connect, expand, repeat and process our recent learnings.  As social beings – we need and want to connect.

* Learning Technology is Evolving: The age of Learning Apps, Learning Layers and Learning API’s is coming – where people or organizations can add a simple layer of access, empowerment and personalization.

* Learning People are Awesome: I am honored to have tens of thousands of learning colleagues around the world – always intrigued about the future of learning in every way.

* Learning is Curiosity Come Alive: Learning is all about Curiosity.  The world of learning is allowing curiosity to come alive in more and more ways.

* Thanks to  Learning TRENDS colleagues for being partners in my explorations of learning.  At age 67, I am the half-way point of my career.  I am pumped to be exploring how learning will expand, evolve, personalize and be linked with new and disruptive technologies and methods ahead.