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Marc Andressen, veteran of the early days of Netscape, and present VC, among other things, talks about “Ideas” in this interview at Stanford.

Self-driving cars, for example, could potentially put 5 million people involved in transportation jobs out of work. And creating 5 million new jobs for them seems impossible with net monthly job gains typically in the hundreds of thousands. “Five million jobs seem like a lot of jobs. It is a lot,” Andreessen says. But looking at the big picture shows that “every year in the U.S. on average about 21 million jobs are destroyed and about 24.5 million are created,” Andreessen says. “So the real answer to how do you replace 5 million jobs is, we already replace that in less than a quarter [of a year] today.”

Kudos to Gary for link.

[gview file=”“Take-the-Ego-out-of-Ideas”-Stanford-Graduate-School-of-Business.pdf”]