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There’s been a lot of smoke about how Russia has perfected social media techniques that were targeted at the US election of 2016. Researchers have been trying to find the source….where is the fire located.

While  many aggressive attempts to undermine the system of government of many nations in Europe, and the US, are now generally known to be controlled by Moscow, just what they’ve been up to, and how they’ve done it, are fascinating examples of what the online communication revolution has made possible. As such, it behooves those who wish to use the new connecting media for good things, like supporting education and healthcare, to understand that the same “online world” can be corrupted and turned to nefarious goals.

Here Time discusses our present conundrum of online attacks against our ability to know  what is true, and what is fake news. It’s a fascinating if sobering story. And while Russia has been a major destabilizing force, they are not the only players in the game. Sometimes it seems like there’s organizations from James Bond movies on the loose. The Lazarus Group, sounds like SPECTRE to me. It is not a time of great “security” in the world: but knowledge can enable coping strategies.

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