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Open Educational Resources are teaching and learning materials that you may freely use and reuse, without charge. OER often have a Creative Commons or GNU license that state specifically how the material may be used, reused, adapted, and shared.”

This Open Education 2016 conference, from last November, has a ton of breakout sessions on various topics of interest to online educators.

Such as “Khan Academy in Chinese: A Case Study in OER Revision”. 


Khan Academy videos have 700,000,000+ views in English. The website “Netease” has used the CC-BY-NC-SA license to create Chinese Khan Academy videos. This represents an outstanding example of revision of open materials. Over 100 courses and 2,000 specific videos have been translated into Chinese. As stated on the Khan Academy website, “NetEase is the first portal site in China to partner with Khan Academy to localize its content and this greatly enhances NetEase Open Courses’ content and user base. Meanwhile, the cooperation with NetEase will promote the localization of Khan Academy courses in China, to achieve the purpose of providing a world class education for anyone anywhere” (