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Here’s an example of learning that is sponsored by local business organizations, and while somewhat outside what the traditional curriculum at schools might be, still of obvious importance and value. PSA believes many many more of these types of learning opportunities are available with tools made possible by the communications revolution. Perhaps one might envision a model of learning that is distributed…and not thought to be something that only, or even primarily, just happens at “schools”.

Of course, that’s always been a part of the American experience…thinking of Sunday and after school programs run by religious institutions that taught much of use in life, and success, and yes, employment. PSA is not a religion, needless to say,  and respects our constitutional separations of church and state, but that doesn’t preclude us from pointing out that learning can happen all over in a community. For example, learning the broad range of narratives and characters in the old testament, parallels other learning activities based on narrative and storytelling. 

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