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PSA recognizes that two of the largest federal and state government commitments are healthcare and education.  Unfortunately there’s an ongoing trend both at the federal and state level to dramatically reduce funding for both of these essential endeavors of a civilization. 

Therefore, we desperately hope innovation and change can occur in both fields “in time”..

For Education and Healthcare in US, there are potential ways to both improve quality of the service, and reduce its cost, using cloud tools. However, while we make that transition to new cloud tools, which is still just getting started, we have to deal with budgets shortfalls, and in some states, such as NM, that’s a catastrophic situation for both Healthcare and Education, which already rank at the bottom of state rankings.

As the article points out, in some states the courts have stepped in to require change to upgrade outcomes. There’s an opportunity here for those who support cloud tools to be a part of any mandated judicial solutions…presuming a requirement for different results, different means can be proposed to meet those ends.

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