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AS change made possible by our current communications revolution proceeds apace, so does some of the connection “behind the scenes”.

Here’s an article on what Amazon is doing behind the scenes, and what they may envision their “platform” to be “all about”. it’s hard to imagine, but such behind the scenes network and platform development, is analogous to building doctors offices, and schools in the pre cloud world.

That new platform becomes the “place” where various activities can take place. While Amazon moves physical products all around the US, they also move content through their Amazon Web Services (AWS)…and that’s the part we should be taking note of relevant to moving online educational and healthcare forward.

PSA has posited 7 Core Elements of the Best Defined Learning Experiences in an effort to encompass the breath of what needs to be integrated to maximize learning today and tomorrow…and it’s a similar task to support online healthcare. Ed Tech awaits a platform that can enable all those elements at the same time, instead of maybe three at best now. Even kaltura’s Lecture Capture is a long way from being the fully developed platform that can support all 7 elements.

But we might see what Amazon is doing, as an indicator that such platforms are going to arrive perhaps sooner than later…they just might not LOOK to us like they have anything to do with education and healthcare. It’s up to us to figure out, and imagine, and envision, just how they actually are what’s needed to move ahead.

[gview file=”’s-Purchase-of-Whole-Foods-Really-Means-The-New-Yorker.pdf”]