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Here we go in NM…re education funding…is it equitable here under the law? Courts are going to rule on some aspects of this soon. This isn’t just NM dealing with this, as previous posts here have noted. It’s potentially a huge deal, not least because education is the biggest single item in the state budget, and because education and healthcare are two of the biggest components of the US economy.

By the time this somehow “new idea” that all students should have access to “equally funded” schools works its way through the courts…and any new laws that may occur…the education landscape could look dramatically different. That may open up opportunities for additional players in the education landscape, players that are heavily focused on innovation and cloud tools and new ways of structuring educational processes. 

In a way, this is like other issues that we pledged in our.constitution and amendments to accomplish, but somehow never quite could make it happen for various reasons. Such as segregation in the south AND the north, which required the courts to step in. One might assume any similar large disruptions to “school as it’s presently constituted” will provoke new hopes, and new backlash, at the same time.

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