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Here’s an academic work on “new paradigms of instructional theories” by Charles Reigeluth and Kurt Squire published online at ResearchGate. This topic fits into the PSA core element “Applying the New Science of Learning.” As if envisioning where learning is “going” in the age of a communications revolution wasn’t hard enough, we also have to account for in some cases entirely new ideas about what learning is, and how to “do it”. 

For example, what is knowledge in a time of humanity’s full factual repertoire being available online in a blink? Perhaps knowledge then is not a storehouse or warehouse of facts, but an ability to think that uses facts in innovative and imaginative ways. IOW, maybe knowledge is more about curation of facts, than an accumulation of same in our biological memory banks? If so, how would that all work, and how should we design learning activities to match that new circumstance?

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