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Since the story as PDF is too big…here’s the link to the story on EdSurge.

Story talks about how they are using a sort of dynamic assignment process, which is “reconfigured” every day…If I understood it correctly…and allows students to choose what to do. The video below shows a dynamic white board, which I think is offering assignments? Perhaps early days on the way to real-time adaptive learning addressing each student as a “personalized” independent learner and unleashing their full learning “energies and  motivations”.

This goal-setting feature is part of the Summit Learning Platform, an online tool used in a personalized learning program created by Summit Public Schools. Core to the charter network’s vision is a belief that students can be empowered to make choices that direct their learning, with guidance from teachers and access to real-time data. Information from students’ activities on the platform is combined with qualitative feedback from educators to inform teachers, parents and most importantly, students themselves about their learning progression.