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Hybrid Pedagogy defines itself as “An Open-Access journal of learning, teaching, & technology”

We are still exploring various theories of learning, even some experimental theories that were being “tried out” in the 60s, are still hypotheses. This journal is out there with it’s “approach”, and it’s a fascinating one. We can’t see the future, so we don’t know which theories of educational practice may prove to be mainstream, if there is a mainstream in the future. We might call this a thought experiment, that will help develop memes and ideas, either in support of hybrid pedagogy, or in support of alternate theories. A Socratic dialectic in other words.

“I spent a whole year learning about all the different kinds of clouds. I still refer to them as ‘puffy clouds’, ‘rain clouds’, ‘snow clouds’, ‘hazy clouds’. If I was some master of knowledge or learning like the school system tells me I am, wouldn’t I remember these things?”
—Miranda Dean, undergraduate student,
In ‘What an Open Pedagogy Course Taught Me About Myself

[gview file=”’t-Do-That-in-a-STEM-course-Hybrid-Pedagogy.pdf”] [gview file=”–-The-Current-Human-Condition.pdf”]