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While we strive to “really understand” media through study of visionaries like McLuhan and Kurzweil, here’s a story from today that sounds both impossible, and a new sort of “media” that few of us may have even considered.

We know the power of connecting computers all across the globe, which helps connect human brains all across the world through an extension of man. But what if we could connect the actual brains, what sort of extension and “media” would that be, and how would that change our perceptive MOs?

This below is from the MIT Technology Review, which one assumes gives it some credibility. Is this too weird to think about? Maybe. Is it something we might need to prepare ourselves to think about nonetheless? Probably.

[gview file=”“social-network”-of-brains-lets-three-people-transmit-thoughts-to-each-other’s-heads-MIT-Technology-Review.pdf”]