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There’s a new 5G contest to encourage edtech innovation, sponsored by Verizon and NY Media Lab and others.

The Verizon 5G EdTech Challenge is a nationwide open call to find innovative, cutting-edge, education technologies that will transform middle school education.

Calls for EdTech innovation that will transform middle school education are not new. But in this case likely arise because increased bandwidth and low latency supports new forms of media environments such as AR VR combined with AI.

We study and try to understand this sort of “New Place” because we hope to support innovation as is being called for. As with the 7 core elements for Digital Learning Experiences, this New Place we seek requires a broad holistic understanding of elements that we aren’t always readily aware of, but need to be. It is challenging to imagine some structure that reveals how it all should work.

If we can’t have that, then we need to get comfortable with some way of creating visions of practical edtech undertakings, that are in fact “all that the new media allows”.