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The challenge of “A New Place” is so broad, comprehensive, and yet deep all at the same time, that perhaps the best way forward, rather than trying to synthesize everything into one big package, would be to create a list of relevant factors. Hopefully one could use that list in a NON Silo way…much as the PSA 7 Core Elements of Defined Learning Experiences is intended. 

If so, what might be included in such a “core elements” list? In this post we’ll just throw out on the table the box of jig saw puzzle pieces, without any attempt to fit them together into one picture. We’ll leave that for later posts. Or for future generations?

Puzzle pieces include:

  1.  Conventional, “normal”, means or states of consciousness, past and present
  2.  Alternate means or states of consciousness past and present
  3.  Extensions of man means or states of consciousness (McLuhan approach) by historic period
  4.  Machine Intelligence means or states of consciousness, including AI, cloud connectivity, apps, algorithms, big data, immersive VR, AR, realtime worldwide communication of many to one, one to many, many to many, one to one. 
  5.  Science of genetics, evolution of human brain/ nervous system
  6.  Historical ideas of what humans are, how we think, civilizations memes
  7.  Science of micro world, particle physics, big bang theories, parallel universes, human destiny
  8.  Philosophical systems and attempts to describe what is human self-awareness, and how does it work.
  9.  Psychological systems describing how our “minds work” and how our “emotions work”.
  10.  SciFi fictional narrative descriptions of what humans might become in the future
  11.  Various threads in educational theory and their application to the future of learning.
  12.  Other relevant aspects of civilization, or seminal ideas
  13.  The impact of being subjects, characters, persons, personas, in processes that blend our “inside the skull” component… with cultural extensions of language and media…with outside the skull AR and AI “conscious process”…which might be immersion in a cloud based video game as a “player” among the other “players” in a VR environment, with a partially scripted narrative, and a machine modulated set of possible actions, and impacts.
  14. Whew!


How can we possibly move forward when our “foundation for learning today” includes all of the above? Well, that’s the challenge. But not to despair. Yes, the above is an enormous pile of puzzle pieces, but for many of them we already know a great deal about their shape, and how they fit with other pieces. For others, it’s bewildering, but we are part of creating the future, and we might as well get good at it.