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Exploring Future Reality is NYC Media Lab’s annual event focused on XR and future interfaces. Through innovative presentations, interactive demos, and hands-on workshops, attendees will explore the impact of immersive media on industry and society, including best practices for storytelling, prototyping, and distribution.


Does this “exploring future reality” sound a bit SciFi? Maybe to some generations it does. To those growing up with the already realized long list of SciFi ideas, the world is just “normal” as is. One now can exist seemingly almost all day “on one’s smart phone”, And if you happen to have $50 or $100, your phone can become a set of VR goggles….and set to the task of RT 3D multiuser gaming,

It’s just the current state of things. Not weird at all if you are born into it. “Calling Marshall McLuhan, clean up on aisle “future reality”.

Perhaps we need a post defining some of these acronyms such as “XR”. See next “part 19”.