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This article, tries to clear up what various “reality” acronyms are supposed to “mean”. Seems a bit helpful at that task, but it’s larger use might be to point out how easily we throw around the word “reality” today and that our main takeaway is that humans can consciously exist in many different realities. Put the VR head-unit on, there’s one reality, take it off, there’s another, etc etc etc.

Sooner or later we start to be really aware of how our perceptive process is working. Along with that awareness comes a slew of questions about persona, personality, person, and “who am I really?”.

Marshall McLuhan worked to equip us with perspectives on what can quickly become very confusing…what, after all, do we “mean by reality”anyway”? Moving back and forth and in and out of these various acronym version of “reality” or of a reality…tends to bring to the foreground our awareness of the mechanisms of perception.

To keep some semblance of a coherent being in this new world, we need to be aware of how our perception is being “massaged” by each different medium. So again, we turn to McLuhan for some help with “How to do that”.


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