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Not sure if everyone has the same response to a robot “dancing”, but at least some of us might find it entering the “uncanny valley” moment. Which is when the AI creature crosses into a dissonance between one part of our brain thinking it’s real, and one part of our brain thinking it’s not. That can be experienced as something very uncomfortable, even nauseous.

Perhaps it’s similar to the way reading in a moving vehicle confuses our brain with some perceptions indicating movement, and some indicating a stationary environment. Which for some people is a dissonance that leads to “motion sickness”…or “car sickness”.

FWIW, my brain was getting creeped out watching this particular Robot Boogie. The takeaway of “uncanny valley” moments is that our perceptive modes are both powerful conditioners of our experience, and fragile at the same time. As we enter VR worlds, we’re going to want to understand how that all works, and how we can adjust to “new realities”.