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The 10th annual ASU GSV Summit is coming April 8-10th. This event, combined with Eliott Masie’s conferences, surveys a great deal of the current innovation in OTL  in the space where enterprise and EdTech meet, Which then, inshallah, or “if the numbers work” engenders startups. These often support “third party education” outside the educational bureaucracy, for all sorts of learning circumstances. But it also addresses innovation “on the inside” for school districts and higher ed.

Yes,the ASU GSV event has flashy PR such as Hollywood actors showing up and rock bands on stage,.

But also note that the conference theme in 2019 is “Bending the Arc of Human Potential”…which reflects some of the rhetorical confusion about  education in the US: is it a business or a public service, or both at the same time?

Some might point out that also reflects some of the current discussion regarding our economic system…are corporations strictly about investor ROI…or is there also a responsibility to the society within which that corporation exists, such as helping provide for a properly trained and educated workforce? And perhaps also an obligation for investing in EdTech production that builds capacity and competence in the US using US engineers and US workers?

(we aren’t going to solve that conundrum today here at PSA…but it does apply in the fast moving EdTech sector.: who will make the important decisions about what EdTech will thrive, and which won’t? 

That is a huge question, because educational bureaucracies are very slow moving and their “time frames” are often woefully inadequate for platform and purchasing decisions in rapidly innovating EdTech products.) 

The ASU GSV conference also has practical connections to offer between innovators and venture cap. ASU is still one of the leading, if not the foremost, higher ed institution spinning out research, innovation and startups for OTL. And GSV is in the business of matching innovation with venture cap, and also supporting incubation.

The Summit is a broad container for many events and programs. Such as this one featured by EdSurge called: ASU GSV SUMMIT X WEEK WITH IMMERSION

Real face time with world-class EdTech experts.
4 Hours of hands-on coaching.

*Note that now “face time” has to have a “Real” adjective applied. As opposed to “unreal” face time, perhaps?