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Rorschach test:: do we see something really scary in that thing hanging from the ceiling…or are we excited about the innovative potentials? Maybe both these days. 

Below is a mind expanding article discussing Quantum Computing and Quantum Networking. Presented here as another brick in the road to new ways of learning. What’s particularly poignant about our current zeitgeist is how rapidly innovation in information processing occurs. We are tasked with keeping open minds that brainstorm what could be, and with doing the work to keep up with the potential paths ahead. It’s not easy, and it’s an ongoing task that doesn’t reach an end. 

OTOH, the possibilities that keep coming along have so much promise, and the ways to achieve appropriate education practices so expansive, we jointly have to pedal as fast as we can. That’s not something educational bureaucracies are famous for doing well; rather the model often used is of a huge ship moving on the ocean, and how long it takes to change course. So this article on Quantum computing, and others about what 5G may bring, are examples and correctives, helping us be aware of just how much change is coming. 

Only a few of us may get very far trying to grasp the implications of bringing into our real world “products” based on quantum physics. But we all have imaginations, and it seems the time to put those to use on just what “education” and “learning” could be.

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First look at that quantum machine got me thinking that of course; the future will be brought to us when AT&T merges with “The Borg”.

Kudos to Gary for the link.