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Here’s a reminder of the “tree of programs and services” that NMSU provides to the community of Las Cruces. There’s a constant renewal/ flux of programs funded through Federal, State, and Foundation grants and programs, that function under NMSU auspices in one way or another. 

It can be challenging to list all those projects and programs underway at any one time, often under the Colleges of Education and Health, but also through the College of Ag and the Extension Services. (Learning Games Lab) .But there are many. How do these connect to programs ongoing, or soon to be ongoing, at LCPS Community Schools?

We know for example that there is a program supporting learning about commercial space and how that might involve students in future careers here in the SNM region. Presumably that program selects who can participate from among the larger total number of students in school. Or does it serve any and all students who have an interest?

Community School programs exist in the context of a web of other programs available to local students. Blending the two, or even coming up with a comprehensive structure of which student is eligible for what program seems needed. Perhaps David Greenberg would have knowledge about how that is being done, or should/could be done.


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