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The DIY video production and distribution revolution continues on. Software and hardware vendors have been releasing many more products specifically for this market of late, bringing capabilities for video production formerly generally available only to professionals…or possibly the hobbyists with fairly deep pockets…to Everyman. 

Costs have come down, and more massive markets are being aimed at.
Probably this was inevitable;, as smart phones got better and better at creating video clips, and so many platforms arrived to distribute those clips. A need to package video more easily into a ’streaming form” with higher production values became evident.

Or maybe it’s just putting together a “higher production value” TikTok.

For one example, BlackMagic Design released a “mini” version of their studio switchers…the ATEM Mini, which we have at PSA Studio 1…whereas this sort of tech has formerly started at a few K and up, the ATEM Mini was “only” $300. No, the Mini version isn’t as capable as the multiple K version, but it is surprisingly powerful for the price.

PSA Studio 1 is using WireCast which is old fashioned pricey software that can run into the four figures depending on how many licenses and features. It requires a powerful computer with top graphics performance among other things.

But then there’s this sort of thing too.

Logitech, the webcam, keyboard, trackball/mice maker has released a hardware/software package that has some powerful features, and is “only” $170 at Amazon today.

The Logitech app “Capture” works with the above, but also works with other Logitech cameras. It has a number of “studio” type functions such as chromakey (green screen), and some picture in picture multiple sources in the same “shot” (such as recently explored in group Skype).

The Big Intriguing question is if most have access to their personal video production “studio”, and a portion of those are creating clips that teach others, such as the Math Tutoring TikToks being produced by students themselves…where might that lead? How destabilizing might that be to institutional education in US/ World?

Kudos to Gary and Kris for TikTok links and leads.