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One of the “side effects” of the pandemic, is trying new ways of learning in family settings using online tools. This is exactly what PSA envisions as an alternative model to our current educational MO, with the additional element of groups of families doing learning together in formats called “Community Schools”.

How this could exist when the parents are back working outside the home is a challenge to envision, but perhaps eventually large groups of parents (and grandparents) will be spending part of their work week at their home video conferencing and computing workstations. In some circumstances, one can envision a rotation of parents during the work week taking turns being the learning facilitators at home for their, and other/ children.

There are seven days per week that we  currently divide into “work” and “weekend”…but those days could be divided differently. Such as alternate days being work and learn at home days, or perhaps Fri through Monday as days both parents and children are at home. As noted previously, these work and learn at home days currently forced upon us by the pandemic, will surely lead to some ideas of how it all can be arranged differently AFTER the pandemic dangers have dissipated.

From the Christian Science Monitor:

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