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Most attempts to use artificial intelligence to transcribe doctor visits are aimed at limiting documentation burdens for physicians and making it easier to load clinical information into electronic health records.


A new company founded by a cardiologist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) is flipping that script: It is focused on transcribing visits for patients, documenting key details about their visits on a personalized app that they control.

The above from STAT News. Full article requires pricey monthly sub, but the summary above points toward more support of medical services aimed at the “user”. Which can enable efficiencies, and help create a more patient centered process which trades individual involvement for lower healthcare costs. In part because preventive medicine, … a “stitch in time’ approach…, is a big part of maintaining health in a “practical” manner.

There is a company in Las Cruces called the Electronic Caregiver. Here’s a press release from them re CV19 care.

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