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“Answers with Joe” is an extremely popular YouTube channel. This clip below was just posted on his channel 5/25/20  and already has over 125K views one day later. Here he notes a laundry list of how education can be different than the traditional forms we have been used to. At times he sounds like he might be reading from the PSA 7 Core Elements of Defined Learning Experiences. Yes he talks very fast; that’s what closed captions are for.

Also, as he says, what he’s doing with his YouTube channel is education. I’ve learned a lot  watching his clips; just as I’ve learned a lot watching YouTube clips by a particle physicist at Fermi Labs. Etc. Not sure what age might be the youngest that can learn from YouTube channels…but there’s probably some that aim at a very young audience.

Some traditional, but for now WFH, teachers have gone ahead and created YouTube lessons, and/or used the other video clip platforms as well. As have the students, often using shorter forms like TikTok. So educational change is well under way right now, as Joe notes.