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The current high pressure environment for school reopening plans, sans CV19 vaccine, resembles the rapid fire iterations such as the “Lean Startup” MO often prescribes.

There’s huge conflicting interests that states and school boards and colleges are trying to deal with. There’s no known optimal resolution, so every plan will have constant revisions and iterations. Which in a perfect world would have been underway in our vast educational system in the US some years ago now, as the communication revolution has continued apace.

Then along came a mighty disrupting variable which has upset the applecart, and necessitated trying out new approaches to learning.

NM has announced a blended 50% LFH, 50% learn from school (LFS) approach to begin in August. That announcement was quickly followed the next day by former NM Secretary of Health and current NM Gov. Michell Lujan Grisham pulling back on the reins of NM “opening”, and warning that NM is surrounded by areas undergoing rapid CV19 case spread. Will that 50/50 blended arrangement survive to August, or will there be other iterations in the meantime?

Here’s a story about some of the disruption of “plans” ongoing in the Fairfax VA school district area. Perhaps notable is that teacher’s unions are pushing back against in-person teaching.  At present.

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