When one talks about DIY learning, one is referring to a broad set of changes, which includes the Gatekeeping function of the established educational bureaucracy. When Gatekeeping “devolves” or “evolves” to more of a market based reality, many more individuals with varied skill set packages, can “play” in the online education “workplace”.
This would also include some parents in the Community Schools…and in some instances be a venue for students themselves to help with peer to peer tutoring.
Such has always existed, in the form of “doing homework together” or online. Synchronously or asynchronously…through live backchannels during “instruction vidcon”..but also via chat “after the fact”, or instant messaging, or comments on someone’s webpage or YouTube channel, or a TikTok post etc etc.
[gview file=”https://publicservicesalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/How-pandemic-learning-pods-are-fueling-the-private-tutoring-industry-Vox.pdf”]