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Local anecdotes, if we curate enough of them, add up to some real actionable information. Or maybe even just one good idea somebody thought of, can be worthy of our attention.

One idea in the KRWG article below is the T or C teacher acquiring information on each student’s home environment, that can then be used to support the focus of his teaching for that student. Additionally, the teacher is serving as a “tech rollout” facilitator, helping parents learn how to use computers. That component was underserved way back in 2008 when PSA was working to support a Broadband grant from the Feds for Southern New Mexico.

(Of note, that need didn’t just go away on its own 12 years later, and the huge digital divide gaps have been getting some real attention finally during the pandemic, although much more still needs to be done to tear down the digital divide like we tore down the Berlin Wall, if you will)

Truth Or Consequences Teacher Shares Challenges of Online Learning And Some Surprising Positives | KRWG