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This online event at NMSU seeks to address learning and educational issues specific to Hispanic students, of which there are a majority in New Mexico, Especially so for Las Cruces, and surrounding DonaAna County.

One notable part of online learning, is the local frame of reference, that energizes learning experiences to fit with the student, rather than the one size fits all nationally approach, where the student needs to fit into a “different” culture.

This creates some challenges for big tech producing learning materials using advanced media forms, as scaling up pays the costs, but that must be done with some way to package the experience in varying local contexts and cultural ways and means.

We’ve already been through that with text books, which because of the size of  the Texas market, were often tailored to please Texas school boards, often to the detriment of students in other states, Seems that there must be a way to EdTech around that problem using online apps/ data.