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When one imagines the most immersive learning experience, with the deepest and most involved impact for learners, one sometimes sees some form of online gaming environment. Such as those that currently feature at least some of the most avant-garde interactive experiences through immersive AR/ VR.

But why stop there? LBE conceives of an extremely rich media environment provided at a specific location. In the past that might have been an “amusement park/ Disneyland” type location. Today, it might also include something developed to work in abandoned space in malls.

Say a facility was built into a mall space to create LBE, and took advantage of the facility’s infrastructure such as parking lots, and “scrollable/ strollable’ common areas, and included the potential for security and additional services such as food, and doctors and ? If the LBE were learning focused, might we then see a new model for schools?

The point is that media rich environments/ locations  might entail something other than a movie theater, a home computer setup, a game machine and big screen TV, or hanging out in a friends bedroom with some portable device…and it might model a new form for education in the 21st century that could be called a VR Community School.

(Kudos to Gary for the Meow-Wolf link below,)


Meow Wolf founder | Spatial Activations consulting agency | blooloop