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We might recognize the company name “Pearson” from its many years as a leading textbook publisher for K-12 and college-level textbooks as well.

The paper textbook business began transitioning to a digital format, and Pearson has gone through various business models trying to adapt to this change. At one point they bought Knewton, which was developing a comprehensive synchronous and asynchronous learning platform(s). But that endeavor has proved problematic, and today, Pearson is, well, still a digital work in progress.

Here’s a webpage deep with access to all that Pearson is currently up to. 

Tons of useful information at the above site. Presumably, there is new impetus to make OTL all that it can be because of enforced LFH during the pandemic, as well as an anticipated increase in “Blended Learning” post-pandemic. One also might wonder if Pearson would have enough intellectual property, and human resources, to be attractive to a giant tech company such as Apple or Amazon or similar.