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There’s a Joseph Campbell book by that title, which might be of use as we try to understand what happens when galaxies of IRL space, and galaxies of Virtual space, collide in our world today. In a practical and pragmatic sense, what does physical space look like when it needs to support both galaxies at once?

PSA has discussed different forms of physical space…as it relates to multi-functional public structures such as a Multitask de Ville. We’ve also discussed what Community Schools might look like, in various demographic neighborhoods… and touched on the thought that former Malls of America might be terrific places to design IRL and VR conjunctions.

IOW, the task for “making the future work” involves designing spaces for new functionality. This clearly applies to schools,  and while the below article is mostly about designing contemporary “working space”, some of the design questions and approaches apply to much of “the new world”.

It’s not a simple matter.

…O+A wanted to “create a kit of room types that suggest a certain type of behavior.  You’re changing behavior. That’s really what workplace design is about.”

So this lengthy article from the Jan25 2021 issue of the New Yorker digs deep into such design issues, and what “workplaces’ should be like today. As noted, a great deal of that process can also be applied to what “school places” should be like today. …and perhaps many of the doctor’s offices as well, What other spaces will need a redesign?

Has the Pandemic Transformed the Office Forever? | The New Yorker