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Jerry Pacheco is someone PSA knows from his myriad activities in support of business and employment opportunities in Southern NM. Mr. Pacheco has been a leader in the development of the trans-modal facility in Santa Theresa, to name one successful project.

Here he notes salient facts of how immigrants can make a huge impact on the positive side of the US economy, which is not to say that immigration should be unregulated. Mr. Pacheco cites some perhaps not commonly known facts about some now very important immigrants.

The number of innovative scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs that were immigrants to the USA from all over the world, is a long list indeed, and many have stories similar to those Mr. Pacheco cites in this article below.

While PSA supports talent immigration from around the world because of the implications for innovation of online tools and infrastructure,  the larger question of immigration law and border requirements falls outside of our purview, and PSA has no “political position” as such.

Immigration Is Critical For The U.S. To Thrive | KRWG