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Education around the world features many different ways of accomplishing learning goals.

China has relied heavily on tutoring, often online. Now that portion of their education system is being disrupted, not by a startup, but by a totalitarian regime which appears to be redoubling efforts for maximizing party control and taking over non-party endeavors.

The US ways of “doing education and learning” seem at times entangled in bureaucracy, and subservient to forces uninterested in change. Optimism would hold that the US will break free of those restraints sooner than later, and stand eventually in stark contrast to totalitarian educational approaches.

The out-of-school education industry has been “severely hijacked by capital,” according to a separate article posted on the site of the Ministry of Education. “That broke the nature of education as welfare.”


Once regarded as a sure-fire way for aspiring children (and parents) to get ahead, after-school tutoring is now viewed as an impediment to one of Xi Jinping’s top priorities: boosting a declining birth rate.

China Bans For-Profit School Tutoring in Sweeping Overhaul - Bloomberg