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Education and Healthcare advancements go hand in hand, as both are about distributing useful information through media that is accessible to all. We don’t always think about Healthcare in terms of information, but today’s patient needs to learn a lot about prevention and treatment and medication for the various ailments we are all subject to. IOW, our healthcare in many respects is just another type of information we need to learn.

And just as education in general benefits from guides/ facilitators/ teachers, healthcare is very likely to involve personal healthcare mentors/ advocates/ guides as part of effective online healthcare literacy. And the methods that empower online education in general, will do the same for a solid portion of our healthcare needs, making affordable quality broadband access all the more essential for everyone in the US.


Doña Ana County Accepts Over $2.4 Million In Grant Funding To Promote Health Literacy

Doña Ana County Commissioners have accepted over 2.4 million dollars in grant funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. The money will be used to help foster health literacy in the northern region of the county and fund six staff positions.


Doña Ana County’s Health and Human Services Director, Jamie Michael, says increasing the availability of health information is a top program priority.


“How do we make this information accessible and usable for people in different parts of the county? That’s where the health literacy piece comes in,” Michael said. “I can have a one-page handout that talks all about the vaccine, but if it’s not in your language it’s not going to do you much good. Or if it’s not meeting your needs and your questions, then it’s really not going to motivate you to take any action.”