We know of several “pros” for online learning; such as the use of AI just-in-time personally-adapted learning tech and extremely immersive virtual reality learning environments. Reduced costs per pupil could also become an important factor: when some aspects of LFH tools are scaleable, and fewer school buildings are needed.
No one is talking about replacing teachers en masse, as they perform so many concurrent roles in their current form, such as “in loco parentis” for working parents, as well as adult-to-child emotional components that support learning, among others.
But the job description may well change, and it’s currently unclear how that will affect the qualifications in play for the teaching profession, and the numbers needed.
That’s just a partial indicator of current and future vectors of change in “Learning”: the pandemic has provided additional vectors, including pressure on teachers to depart the profession.
's teacher shortage will outlast the pandemic - Axios