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Here’s a grab bag of resources to understand trends as we come up on a new year. A majority of these involve  groking networks, of various sorts. Predicting the future is hard, but that isn’t stopping this group.

We might note that what works in one  realm, is likely adaptable to tasks in other realms, so somewhere in this pile of projections there are new tools for online learning, healthcare etc, just waiting to be discovered, and/or remade into just what’s needed.


From Benedict Evans site:

The most exciting themes in technology today are transformative visions for 2025 or 2030: crypto, web3, VR, metaverse… and then everything else.


Meanwhile, hundreds of start-ups take ideas from the last decade and deploy them over and over in one industry after another. And trying to keep up, the old economy faces waves of disruption from ideas we first talked about in the 1990s.



Here’s a “State of the Web” set of data/info graphics shown as trends over recent years which admittedly look simple enough but there’s a learning curve as to what they imply or tell us that we need to understand.

There’s a zillion of these graphics out there, showing the underlying relationships of Big Tech to users, and of course the proprietary data graphics that we have no access to. Somewhere in all of that, are key indicators that reveal a large portion of the state of our culture, and we would be well served if we can search and understand that sort of information format.

Stats R Us. FBOW we need to learn and become equipped to deal with this reality. How many of our students are learning this STEM component in school?

Here’s one showing how much of the web is still vulnerable to Java Script.  Which tells us in general that people have a hard time keeping up with necessary tech changes.